New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Environmental Policy Success: Regulated Tree Clearing in Queensland

Queensland’s Minister for Resources, The Honourable Scott Stewart, has recently released a media statement that shines a spotlight on the environmental progress within Queensland in relation to regulated tree clearing. The statement outlines the positive findings of the latest Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) report, a scientific monitoring program that is instrumental in shaping environmental policy and practices in Queensland.

Overview of the Statement

Some of the key highlights from the statement include a substantial 70% reduction in regulated vegetation clearing over the past three years. Additionally, a significant 59,654 hectares of vegetation regrowth has been mapped, which is on top of the 42,575 hectares of new growth mapped in the previous year. Furthermore, there has been an overall decrease in woody vegetation by 49 per cent since the 2018-19 period. You can read the full statement here.

What is the Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS)?

SLATS is a monitoring program that uses satellite imagery and field data to monitor changes in woody vegetation in Queensland. The data from SLATS reporting is used to support and inform a range of environmental policies in Queensland, in addition to fire management and conservation planning. You can find further information on SLATS including previous reports, methodology and data on their website.

Environmental Policy in Queensland

In the statement, the Minister commented “The results are encouraging and show the long-term, positive impacts of the legislative changes the Queensland Government made back in 2018”. These changes comprised of stronger protections for high-value regrowth and remnant vegetation.

The success of regulated tree clearing is directly tied to Queensland’s environmental policy, especially the Vegetation Management Act 1999. The Act aims to conserve remnant vegetation, prevent land degradation, safeguard biodiversity, maintain ecological processes, reduce greenhouse emissions, and ensure sustainable land use.

Challenges, Accountability, and Expert Assistance

The Minister highlights that there is an ongoing challenge to reduce unlawful clearing, and that they will hold those to account who do not follow the legislation. With the increasing focus on responsible environmental practices and robust regulation, navigating the landscape of environmental conservation in Queensland requires both knowledge and experience.

Our team of environmental consultants are well-versed in the latest regulations, and can provide tailored solutions that align with both governmental requirements and your specific project needs. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.

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