New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

New Ground Conservation

New Ground Conservation exists to make a tangible impact through environmental conservation projects, focusing on enhancing biodiversity and resilience in both land and water ecosystems.

what is new ground conservation?

We are passionate about delivering legacy projects that will help to secure sanctuaries and reduce threatening process for precious biodiversity. Along the way, we have committed to raising environmental awareness on the importance of biodiversity to the world we live in and the world/lifestyles that will be inherited by future generations.

Want to talk to us about an offset solution?

We reduce your risk in the offset approvals and delivery process because we understand environmental planning policy intimately.

Reduce your risk

Why work with New Ground Conservation?

We reduce your risk in the offset approvals and delivery process because we understand environmental planning policy intimately. New Ground has secured hundreds of environmental planning approvals. We have delivered many environmental offset solutions to the land development, resources and infrastructure sectors through the process.

environmental offset
environmental offset
conservation consultant
Boost your brand and legacy

What it means for you?

environmental offset

Some of our clients:

What do we do?

New Ground Conservation holds a large tract of land in South East Queensland which is being managed to improve and restore its biodiversity values via:
Key biodiversity values include known koala habitats, over 10 distinct vegetation communities; including endangered listed communities, significant waterways, habitat for a variety of threatened fauna species (including brush-tailed rock wallabies) and a regionally significant role in ecological connectivity (linking surrounding national park, state forest and catchment reserves). We are actively looking to expand our portfolio of conservation land throughout Queensland.
environmental offset
environmental offset

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When Do you need to talk to an ecological consultant?

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We’ve made a simple self-help checklist to help you identify when you might want to get us involved. Engaging an ecological consultant for a property project is crucial for a multitude of reasons, but when do you need to pick up the phone for a chat?