New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Author name: New Ground

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Proposed Amendments to QLD Waterway Barrier Works Requirements

The Queensland Government is currently in the process of seeking feedback relating to proposed updates to the Accepted Development Requirements for Operational Work that is Constructing or Raising Waterway Barrier Works. Some of the changes targeted through the document include more concise wording to more clearly relay the information within the guidelines, and formatting updates. […]

Proposed Amendments to QLD Waterway Barrier Works Requirements Read More »

australian environment featuring trees

Regional Planning and Environmental Standards Update

In April, I attended the Environment Consultant (EC) and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) meeting. During this meeting, we discussed several critical topics related to regional planning and the implementation of National Environmental Standards. Summary of Discussions and Updates Regional Planning Requirements DCCEEW has outlined requirements for regional plans, which

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Urban Developer Guest Feature: Leading Change in Sustainability

As the director of New Ground Environmental and a board member of the UDIA EnviroDevelopment committee, I’ve witnessed the profound impacts of urban development on our environment. In a recent blog by The Urban Developer, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on how developers can lead the charge in promoting sustainability. The Urban Developer

Urban Developer Guest Feature: Leading Change in Sustainability Read More »

australian flora environment

Stakeholder Consultation on Stage 3 of the Nature Positive Plan

On 16 April 2024, Minister Plibersek announced the progression of Stage 2 legislation to establish Environment Protection Australia, the statutory role of the Head of Environment Information Australia, and to provide for stronger compliance and enforcement. The Government is committed to legislating the remainder of the commitments in the Nature Positive Plan. Consultation with stakeholders

Stakeholder Consultation on Stage 3 of the Nature Positive Plan Read More »

koala provisions

Reforms Pending to Queensland’s Koala Planning Provisions

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DES) is undertaking a review of the 2020 koala planning regulations under the Planning Regulation 2017 to evaluate their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. In 2023, DES released a Consultation Post Implementation Review report, inviting public feedback on the 2020 koala regulations. This consultation aimed to assess

Reforms Pending to Queensland’s Koala Planning Provisions Read More »

Wind farm on a sunny day with blue skies

Upcoming Webinars on Proposed Onshore Wind Farm Guidance

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water is hosting two public webinars to support the consultation process for the proposed Onshore Wind Farm Guidance. These webinars aim to provide detailed information and address any questions from stakeholders. Webinar Details: These sessions are an excellent opportunity for professionals in the environmental sector to

Upcoming Webinars on Proposed Onshore Wind Farm Guidance Read More »

australian wetlands epbc update

Nature Positive Plan Update

Second Stage of the Nature Positive Plan Announced  In the evolving landscape of environmental legislation, delays can add layers of uncertainty. At New Ground, we’ve been closely monitoring the developments surrounding the EPBC Reforms and we are committed to keeping you updated as new information comes to light. In today’s blog we’ll discuss the second

Nature Positive Plan Update Read More »

biodiversity management

Innovative Collaboration at the Intersection of Renewable Energy and Environmental Planning

The recent release of the “Better Practice Renewables and Biodiversity: Opportunities for Collaboration Guide” (Better Practice Guide) marks a milestone in the evolving landscape of renewable energy development and biodiversity management. Developed collaboratively by RE-Alliance, the Energy Charter, and Powerlink Queensland, this guide emerges from a series of cross-sector workshops in Queensland, aimed at harmonising

Innovative Collaboration at the Intersection of Renewable Energy and Environmental Planning Read More »

nature positive epbc act reforms

Considerations Arising from Review of the Federal Government’s Nature Positive EPBC Act Reforms Package

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) recently sought public feedback on proposed amendments to Australia’s environmental laws, with submissions now closed, we offer the following recommendations for consideration in preparing for implementation of the Nature Positive Package: Implement National Environmental Standards Implement standards that cover Matters of National Environmental Significance and

Considerations Arising from Review of the Federal Government’s Nature Positive EPBC Act Reforms Package Read More »


Fire Ants – Australia’s small but costly threat, and what they mean for you.

Discovery and Eradication Efforts The imported red fire ant (Solenopsis Invicta) was initially detected in Brisbane in 2001. Twenty-three years later, this invasive species is now at the centre of the largest eradication program ever conducted in Australia (DES). Fire ants are native to South America, but have carved a destructive path throughout North America

Fire Ants – Australia’s small but costly threat, and what they mean for you. Read More »

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