New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Renewable Energy

Expert environmental planning experts for renewable energy

Our mission is clear: to empower renewable energy projects with high calibre environmental planning expertise, contributing to a sustainable future for all. New Ground Environmental is uniquely equipped to assist in the delivery of renewable energy initiatives, delivering a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the sector’s distinct needs.

Embrace the future of renewable energy

Choose New Ground as your environmental planning partner. Achieve your project’s sustainability goals, navigate the complexities of environmental approvals, & contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

we're here to make renewable energy projects a success

land rehabilitation sustainable development

Environmental Offset Strategies

Our forward-thinking Biodiversity Offset strategies are designed to balance developmental impacts with tangible environmental benefits, underpinning your project’s sustainability objectives.

large scale solar farm

Ecological Impact Assessments

Our assessments provide critical insights into the ecological footprint of renewable energy projects, enabling strategic decision-making that prioritises environmental integrity.

Restoration of wetlands area by ecologist

Rehabilitation & Vegetation Management

New Ground specialises in the restoration of lands and the management of vegetation, crucial for maintaining ecological balance around renewable energy installations.

Ecology report to support tree removal plan for environmental approval

Navigating Environmental Approvals

With an in-depth understanding of the environmental planning approval pathways specific to the renewable energy sector, New Ground ensures your project adheres to all regulations, facilitating a smoother journey from conception to realisation.


Biosecurity Management Plans

New Ground leverages a high level of experience in the preparation of biosecurity management plans. These plans are designed to safeguard both project proponents and landholders, employing processes rooted in scientific data and years of experience in biosecurity management.

australia's environmental law

Flora & Fauna Management

We devise data and purpose-specific management plans to protect the unique biodiversity within your project’s area, ensuring your renewable energy initiative contributes positively to local ecosystems and communities.

Reduce your risk

Proven Expertise in Renewable Energy

Our team’s experience in delivering projects to the renewable energy sector means we understand the nuances and complexities of environmental planning within this space. We have proudly contributed our expertise to a variety of renewable projects across Queensland, including:

These projects span the diverse landscapes of south-eastern, western, and northern Queensland, showcasing our ability to adapt and excel in varied environmental settings.

environmental offset
close up of large scale solar farm panels
close up of wind farm turbine
Boost your brand and legacy

Why Partner with New Ground?

environmental offset

Some of our clients:

What do we do?

New Ground Conservation holds a large tract of land in South East Queensland which is being managed to improve and restore its biodiversity values via:
Key biodiversity values include known koala habitats, over 10 distinct vegetation communities; including endangered listed communities, significant waterways, habitat for a variety of threatened fauna species (including brush-tailed rock wallabies) and a regionally significant role in ecological connectivity (linking surrounding national park, state forest and catchment reserves). We are actively looking to expand our portfolio of conservation land throughout Queensland.
environmental offset
environmental offset

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When Do you need to talk to an ecological consultant?

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We’ve made a simple self-help checklist to help you identify when you might want to get us involved. Engaging an ecological consultant for a property project is crucial for a multitude of reasons, but when do you need to pick up the phone for a chat?