New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Quarry Environmental Management

New Ground offers comprehensive environmental planning for quarry operations.

We are dedicated to ensuring the sustainability and compliance of your projects, bridging the gap between environmental stewardship and industrial progress.

Services for the Extractive Industry

mining digger australia

Environmental and Ecological Planning

Leverage our expertise to ensure your project’s planning is both efficient and compliant, meeting the stringent regulatory standards of the extractive industry.

greenfield property development needing ecology and environmental consultant

Obtaining Vegetation Clearing Permits

We navigate the complexities of obtaining vegetation clearing permits, streamlining the approval process to keep your project on schedule and within legal boundaries.

environmental consultant

Ecological Impact Assessments

We conduct comprehensive ecological impact assessments, providing you with the insights needed to make informed decisions and mitigate environmental impacts effectively.

environmental law

Vegetation Management and Fauna Handling

Our team expertly manages vegetation clearing and fauna relocation/management, working toward mitigating disruption to local ecosystems and compliance with environmental regulations.

Targeted Threatened Flora and Fauna Surveys

Our specialised surveys identify and evaluate the presence of threatened species, informing conservation strategies and project planning to ensure regulatory compliance.

Restoration of wetlands area by ecologist

Environmental Offset Strategies

New Ground designs innovative offset strategies that not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute positively to environmental conservation, balancing developmental impacts with ecological benefits.

reduce your risk to a bushfire hazard today!

Contact us to learn how you can reduce the bushfire risk of your project or your family home! Have some questions about a bushfire hazard? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.


Experts in the Extractive Industry

New Ground has extensive experience in delivering environmental and ecological planning services for the extractive industry. New Ground has played a pivotal role in the environmental management of several hard rock and sand quarry operations, from initial development to expansion stages.

We can help with:

high bushfire attack level assessment by consultant
aerial photo of quarry site
New ground environmental consultant flora identification survey

Why Partner with New Ground?

high bushfire attack level assessment by consultant

Advance Your Quarry Project with New Ground

Choose New Ground for quarry environmental management that aligns with the unique demands of the extractive industry. Let us help you achieve your project goals while upholding environmental integrity and regulatory compliance.

Contact us today to learn how our tailored environmental planning services can support the success of your quarry operation.

Client Testimonials

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We’ve made a simple self-help checklist to help you identify when you might want to get us involved. Engaging an ecological consultant for a property project is crucial for a multitude of reasons, but when do you need to pick up the phone for a chat?