Term | Definition |
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) | A measure used to assess the severity of a building's potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat, and direct flame contact in a bushfire event. It helps in determining the construction measures necessary for the protection of the building. More info |
Bushfire Hazard Assessment | An evaluation process to identify and measure the potential threats from bushfires to a property and recommend appropriate management strategies for risk reduction. |
Code Compliance | The process of ensuring that development plans and activities adhere to local, state, or federal planning scheme codes. |
Ecological Assessment Reports (EAR) | Reports that evaluate the ecological impacts of proposed developments or disturbances. They analyse factors like flora and fauna, habitat quality, and potential environmental risks. |
EPBC Act | The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, a federal law in Australia that provides a framework for protecting national environmental assets. |
Fauna Management Plans | Strategies developed to protect and manage animal species, particularly in areas undergoing development or experiencing significant environmental changes. |
Flora and Fauna Survey | A comprehensive study to record and analyse the plant and animal life within a specific area, often required for environmental planning and conservation efforts. |
Offset Management Plans | Strategies designed to compensate for environmental impacts caused by development, typically through habitat restoration, creation, or enhancement. |
Rehabilitation Management Plans | Plans developed for the restoration and recovery of disturbed or degraded environmental areas, focusing on reinstating natural conditions and biodiversity. |
Tree Retention Plans | Plans outlining the preservation of existing trees within a development area, detailing which trees are to be retained and the measures for their protection. |
Vegetation Clearing | The removal of vegetation, which may be subject to regulatory approvals depending on environmental overlays and the significance of the vegetation in the area. |
Natural Assets Local Law (NALL) | Legislation that protects natural assets like significant trees and vegetation within a region. |
Environmental Impact Statement | A document that provides a detailed assessment of the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project and outlines measures to mitigate these impacts. |
Bushfire Risk Reduction | Techniques and strategies used to minimise the threat and potential damage of bushfires to properties and natural areas. |
Environmental Approvals | Permissions required from relevant authorities to proceed with activities that may impact the environment, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and standards. |
Pest Plants and Animals | Species that exist beyond their natural range, with potential to cause adverse environmental, economic and social impacts. |
Biodiversity Overlay Codes | Regulations designed to protect areas with significant biodiversity, guiding development and land use in these areas. |
Protected Plant | In Queensland, a plant that is of a species which is subject to the protections of the Nature Conservation (Plants) Regulation 2020. |
Fauna Spotter Catcher | In Queensland, a person that is licenced by the Queensland Government to supervise vegetation clearing and disturbance works for the purpose of seeking to mitigate impacts on fauna that may be within the disturbance area during works. |