New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Environmental Approvals

Our years of expertise means our efficient approval service keeps your project running on time and on budget.

Our services in Environmental Approvals:

Our team has expertise in projects from an array of sectors including land development, extractive industry, public infrastructure, mining and environmental policy development.

rare grass coastline for environmental impact assessment

Ecology Reports​

We provide a full range of ecology reporting to accompany a new development or investigate the environmental values of a region.

greenfield property development needing ecology and environmental consultant


The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 gives the federal government the ability to call in project activities that could impact a matter of national environmental significance for assessment. This can be a complicated process without our input.

Gain approval for environmental offsets and clearing in Brisbane. Property development

Code Compliance

We provide expert assistance in responding to planning scheme and state planning policy codes relating to environmental overlays. This gives your application the best chances of success.

example of a tree retention plan to be submitted and approved by Council

Tree Retention Plans​

Where trees are on immediately adjacent to a site, a tree retention or clearing plan is often required for development and clearing applications. We can provide accurate tree retention plans to support town planning applications.

reporting and investigation after bushfire hazard

Rehab Management Plan​

Need to rehabilitate an environmental area such as a waterway corridor or an area of disturbance? We can prepare detailed rehabilitation management plans for approval by the relevant approval authority.

greenfield proeprty development requiring environmemntal reporting

Vegetation Clearing

Clearing vegetation may require approval dependant upon the planning overlays that might affect the property. We can check for you and go through the process of approval (if needed).

Streamline your development approval

Contact us to see how our experienced team of environmetnal consultants can assist in streamlining your development approval. Whether you need a tree clearing permit,  development approval, management plan or environmental authority, we can help! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Environmental approvals

Expert advice for environmental approvals

Our years of experience and team of of experts ensure that all environmental issues are covered whether it be removing a single tree, or a more significant clearing for a greenfield development.

SEQ core koala habitat found for property approval
high bushfire attack level assessment by consultant
Nelson Wills - Founder of New Ground enviornmental planning


Yes. New Ground can prepare your NALL application and co-ordinate the Council assessment and approval process on your behalf.

An ecologist studies relationships between plants, animals and humans and their environment. They hold minimum undergraduate tertiary qualifications in the field and apply their theoretical and practical knowledge to assess ecological attributes of land and seek to guide land management toward outcomes that balance human and environmental process interactions.

An arborist is a person that is a qualified specialist in the assessment of trees, review of disturbance impacts on trees and mitigation of impacts on trees. Level 5 arborist AQF qualifications represent the gold standard in the development industry.  

Regulatory requirements around tree removal for vary depending on the Local Government area that the given property is in. Factors such as type of tree, size of tree and context of tree all have a bearing on whether an approval is actually required.

We strongly suggest that you check local area requirements with Council before clearing.  Note that many Local Councils have vegetation management fact sheets on their website.

An environmental approval is a regulatory authority to undertake a specified development/disturbance activity in a particular manner. Environmental approval requirements can be called up from Local, State and Federal Government legislation/policy and approvals processes can be particular to the nature of development/disturbance works proposed.

Biodiversity overlay codes should be addressed by a qualified environmental planner,  ecologist or town planner with reference to site-specific ecological site assessment and impact assessment findings. 

Regulatory requirements around vegetation removal for vary depending on the Local Government area that the given property is in. Often, all native vegetation is subject to a level of

We strongly suggest that you check local area requirements with Council before clearing.  Note that many Local Councils have vegetation management fact sheets on their website.

The  EPBC Act is an abbreviation for the Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The EPBC Act was enacted in 1999 by the Commonwealth Government of Australia (Federal Government) to, amongst other things, regulate the impact of development and other activities on prescribed Matters of National Environmental Significance.

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