New Ground | Expert Environmental Consultants in Queensland

Ecological Impact Mitigation

After a disturbance, whether it is a development of a site or natural causes, our team can prepare detailed ecological impact mitigation strategies for approval and implementation.

Our services in Environmental Mitigation:

Our team has expertise in preparation of a range of environmental impact mitigation strategies including vegetation management plans, ecological restoration plans, environmental offset strategies, fauna management plans and rehabilitation plans for projects from an array of sectors including land development, extractive industry, public infrastructure and mining.

SEQ core koala habitat found for property approval

Flora And Fauna Management​

We can ensure minimal impact upon flora and fauna through detailed site surveys, management plans and disturbance supervision. 

Restoration of wetlands area by ecologist

Offset Management Plans and Audits

Our team is experienced in the design and implementation of environmental offset strategies called up by Local, State and Federal legislation. We can design an offset solution for your project and provide the required technical documentation including offset management plans and audit reporting.

fauna spotting and spotter in Queensland. Consultant

Fauna Management Plans

By having a comprehensive understanding of project disturbance requirements and processes for a range of activities, we are able to prepare Fauna and Species Management Plans to mitigate project impacts on target fauna from construction through operations project phases

example of a tree retention plan to be submitted and approved by Council

Tree Retention Plans​

Where trees are on immediately adjacent to a site, a tree retention or clearing plan is often required for development and clearing applications. We can provide accurate tree retention plans to support town planning applications.

ecology reporting and using tree identification techniques for approval

Rehabilitation Management Plans

Need to rehabilitate an environmental area such as a waterway corridor or an area of disturbance to native vegetation? We can prepare detailed rehabilitation management plans for approval by the relevant approval authority.

greenfield proeprty development requiring environmemntal reporting

Vegetation Clearing

Restoration or planting offsets can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. We can assist in preparing detailed maintanence schedules for approval and implementation.

Learn how you can mitigate your environmental impact!

Contact us to discuss how we can assist you in mitigating any impacts on the environment as a result of your project. Unsure? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.


Expert advice for ecological impact mitigation​

Our years of experience and team of experts ensure that all impacts on the environment are mitigated throughout the process of its disturbance by way of impact supervision, rehabilitation, targeted design inclusions and ongoing implementation, monitoring and auditing.

trees located in a forest for development approval using ecology report
high bushfire attack level assessment by consultant
New ground environmental consultant flora identification survey


A qualified ecologist is required for a project where a regulator requires an ecological assessment report or another ecological planning deliverable such as a ecological restoration plan, vegetation management plan or fauna management plan. An ecologist can also be of assistance outside of a development approval process where land management guidance is required with respect to flora and fauna interactions.

There is a broad range of environmental impact mitigation measures from avoidance of an impact, minimization of an impact or implementation of measures to manage an impact. Such measures could include; targeted road design (e.g. inclusion of crossing structures/warning signage), rehabilitation of environmental features to improve site resilience to impacts, inclusion of targeted construction specifications (e.g. use of native plants in landscaping, use of fauna friendly/exclusion fencing, provision of movement corridors) and implementation of an environmental offset to recreate/protect impacted habitat/features beyond the disturbance footprint.

In Queensland, a person must be a qualified Koala Spotter as defined by the Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Regulation 2017 to relocate a koala. In addition, often a permit is required to relocate a koala.

An Ecological Restoration Plan (also referred to as a Rehabilitation Management Plan) is concerned with directing rehabilitation actions and ongoing management tasks for particular ecological features of a property (or part of a property). Common features that are subject of an Ecological Restoration Plan are waterway corridors, areas for vegetation retention and fauna habitat features such as koala habitat and aquatic habitat resources.

Yes – Development and corporate and personal lifestyle environmental impact footprints can be offset. Environmental impacts for development/disturbance activities can call up a regulatory requirement for delivery of an environmental offset under Local, State and Federal Government legislation. As for corporate and personal lifestyle environmental offsets, these are often a voluntary social licence measure that can concern impacts around carbon and biodiversity amongst others.

Cost of an environmental offset for a development/disturbance activity is highly variable and is heavily influenced by the regulatory requirements called by the activity, the particular environmental feature to be offset, scale of impact and the geographic location of the impact. Environmental offsets are a highly specialized area set within a rapidly evolving regulatory framework; an expert should be consulted.  

An Ecological Rehabilitation Plan (also referred to as an Ecological Restoration Plan) is concerned with directing rehabilitation actions and ongoing management tasks for particular ecological features of a property (or part of a property). Common features that are subject of an Ecological Restoration Plan are waterway corridors, areas for vegetation retention and fauna habitat features such as koala habitat and aquatic habitat resources.

Environmental rehabilitation is a specialist technical area. This work is undertaken by qualified vegetation and land management personnel often with a specialism in the rehabilitation of the given environmental feature/process.

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